An optimised contact centre for a better customer experience

卢多维奇-勒克莱尔博客作者- 150 x160
February 16, 2022

Today’s consumers expect superior customer service, 以他们想要的方式进行互动, when they want.

现在比以往任何时候都重要, customers have control over who they buy from, 他们如何访问客户服务, 以及他们如何了解公司. To thrive in this new environment businesses need to ensure they have the right solution to enable engaging conversations.


客户的要求比以往任何时候都高. 事实上,研究表明 90% of customers say an “immediate” response is very important, or important, when they have a service question.

Increasingly, people want more than just products or services; they want human interaction. Customers are looking for meaningful experiences. They want relationships with companies that make them feel valued. 

Social media has changed our idea of “fast”. Consumer technology has elevated expectations for customer service. The pandemic has proven that while we can live in an environment of uncertainty, we want to deal with companies that can adapt quickly to change.

Customers expect companies to respond immediately to their requests, regardless of the circumstances. For example, they need to receive their package at the right time, 在正确的地方, and if they don’t, they need to be able to reach an agent at any time, 通过一系列渠道.

For businesses, this means they must be able to offer a multitude of communications methods such as phone, email, 或者其他数字渠道. More importantly, they need to put the customer in direct contact with the expert best suited to answer their questions.


Traditionally, if you required customer support, you’d just pick up the phone and call someone. Today there are many ways to communicate, and every customer has their preference.

People act differently, think differently, and have different habits. Some will continue to use their phone to call customer service, some will choose other methods. All the while, customers expect brands to monitor their mentions on social media and respond instantly to complaints.

像Facebook Messenger这样的渠道, chat, and Twitter still only represent a small part of the exchanges happening between customers and brands, 但它们正在迅速增长. Among younger generations, these channels are becoming the number one choice for communications. Not offering these channels means cutting off part of your customer base.

Ultimately, offering a complete digital experience is the only solution – one that seamlessly addresses the challenges faced by companies and customers.


With the rise of new channels comes increased complexity and cost. Businesses need to be prepared to address these challenges. The secret to great contact centre productivity has always been to allow agents to use multiple channels in parallel. 当不处理电话请求时, 他们可以处理电子邮件, 或者管理多个聊天来优化时间. 让这成为现实, businesses need to proceed in stages — starting with one or two channels, 然后随着时间的推移添加更多. The solution must be plug-and-play to enable businesses to activate new interaction channels quickly and easily. The software must also be natively omnichannel.

公司可以从他们所在的地方开始. For example, if a customer service solution already handles phone calls efficiently, 没有必要改变它. For companies ready to make the move to a unified experience, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and AKIO 合作交付 ALE Connect. 解决方案结合了语音, messaging, social media, and other channels into a convenient customer service solution.

With ALE Connect teams can manage new interaction media channels and connect with customers in the way that suits them best. Agents, consultants, and first-line responders are connected in a cohesive environment.

卢多维奇-勒克莱尔博客作者- 150 x160

Ludovic Leclerc

Product Marketing Manager, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Expert for over 20 years in telecommunication solutions, 从载体到企业经营, Ludovic began his career as a software engineer and then moved to sales support and tendering for complex customer projects. 作为产品营销经理, he is currently focused on 云通信 and Customer Service solutions. Ludovic holds an Engineering degree in Computer Science (network, system, 和云)来自南特理工学院, France.

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