

医疗保健质量和体验依赖于无摩擦的信息交换. 了解为什么执行连接策略对患者和临床医生很重要.


The need to quickly transform patient services and reorganize care delivery has pushed the boundaries of most healthcare organizations and redefined care as we know it. The new normal looks much more hybrid and care is becoming more and more connected, with patients and healthcare professionals relying on frictionless information exchange.

The need for patients to have a seamless digitally enabled experience across their pathway has become a fundamental pillar of delivering care, 而不是锦上添花. 医疗保健 professionals are realizing the benefits of collaboration and context-relevant access to information in terms of quality of care delivered and work experience, 减轻临床医生和护士的负担.

医疗保健 organizations that have successfully navigated their way through the pandemic have been able to drive fast-paced digital transformation during a time of unprecedented uncertainty. These enterprises have leveraged their key digital infrastructural capabilities to ensure resilience and scale innovation. 创新技术,如聊天机器人, 人工智能, 先进的医疗设备互联互通, IoT, 边缘计算, and cloud will be key to supporting business models that can prepare healthcare organizations for the future of healthcare.


未来医疗保健博客图片1 750x500

这一天终于到来了. Ami将接受她计划中的手术,她有点紧张. 莱纳德开车送她去医院时,她又看了看手机. 推送通知会提醒她何时需要办理入住手续, 她的病房的名字, 指定的外科医生. At the lobby, she receives a warm welcome — they were waiting for her to arrive. 接待员把她领到指定的房间, 护士会帮她准备手术吗. 使用她智能手机的寻路导航功能, Ami很容易就找到了她的房间,并把她的位置告诉了Leonard.

手术很顺利. Ami在她的房间里醒来,Leonard在她身边. They log into the guest portal and they can immediately connect to the Wi-Fi and surf the web, 访问信息娱乐服务, 看他们最喜欢的Netflix电视剧, 检查邮件. 通过手机app, Ami可以访问一个能回答基本问题的聊天机器人, such as guest visiting times and meals of the day and includes post-op questionnaires for patient reported outcome measurements.

出院三天后,阿美发现她的伤口越来越严重. She sends a picture of it to the surgeon via chat and receives some immediate tips, 还有第二天早上的视频通话. In a couple of weeks Ami has almost completely recovered and she is back in the office. She receives a notification reminding her to book a follow-up at the hospital through the app.



Joy is a doctor at a major children's hospital and has just started her morning shift. 她第一次来病房是和一个七岁的男孩Kai和他的家人一起. 进入病房前, she checks the system with her phone and finds some notes shared by another doctor. 过去的几个晚上对凯来说很难熬,他的症状越来越严重, 所以乔伊决定做一个核磁共振扫描.

在检查了扫描结果和病人的健康史之后, 乔依想问问她的导师兼病房主任, Dr. 迟子木在征求第二意见后才给凯进行新的治疗. Dr. Chizimu今天正在远程工作, so Joy shares with her Kai's MRI scan on the medical imaging platform via the secure network for hospital workers. 在等待响应时, she receives an urgent notification from the alert messenger system on her smartwatch: one of her patients is having a potentially life-threatening seizure. The bedside monitoring system sends an alarm to her and to the nurses reachable through the network. Joy quickly looks at the geolocation snapshot on her smartphone to locate the room and runs to the patient. Thanks to her immediate intervention, and the help from the nurses, the patient is safe and well.

午饭后,乔伊接到通知,一个新病人被分配到一个房间. 她叫约瑟芬, and her medical condition requires some specific health monitoring systems and medical equipment. Joy quickly sends instructions to the nurses through the hospital communication system. 使用他们手机上的内部网络和定位解决方案, the nurses locate what is needed and — as Joy enters the room a few minutes later — everything is set up as per her instructions. Joy smiles at Josephine and her family and sits on the bed to explain what the issue is and to answer all of their questions.


医疗保健组织,如 坎塔布连卫生局 are increasingly exploring opportunities to support connected health strategies that can optimize care pathways and redefine the delivery of care, 从入院到跟进,再到以后, 比如远程会诊, 电视专业知识, 与电子病历的整合.

Organizations looking to scale innovation-driven 技术 in a complex healthcare scenario and across multiple personas should invest in three main pillars:

  • 互联、无缝、数字化的患者体验: 特设连接; wayfinding 技术, 无处不在的访问医院门户, and mobile-first communication supporting digital services that are seamlessly integrated across the patients' pathway and follow the needs of patients at every step of their journey, 从入院到随访和持续监测.
  • 劳动力和医疗服务的转型: A 24 x 7 协作平台 移动通知, 在云中实现信息访问, 病人监护, 无缝沟通, 以及在护理机构墙内外安全地共享数据.
  • 提高效率、安全、保障和隐私: 一个可伸缩的, flexible, and highly reliable network infrastructure supporting APIs to securely connect IoT and connected medical devices to the system, 便于资产跟踪, 警报提示, 设备监控. An 智能网络 能够优先考虑和保护关键数据交换, 驾驶自动化, 运营效率, 患者安全, 以及更高的医疗质量.

Forward-looking healthcare executives will be able to leverage technology investments to support use cases that align to business needs and priorities. This alignment will support the right experience for both patients and caregivers, 提高临床效率和依从性, 并使医护人员能够花更多的时间与患者在一起, 对临床结果和患者价值产生更大的影响.

了解有关医疗保健解决方案的更多信息: http://gpdzst.jbzhaoming.com/en/industries/healthcare




西尔维亚Piai是IDC欧洲健康洞察研究总监.  In her role she provides strategic advice to end users and vendors operating in 医疗保健 and Life Sciences. 特别是, she helps 医疗保健 and Life Sciences organizations understanding how 技术 are disrupting and transforming traditional business models, 加速向以价值为基础的范式转变.





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而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.
